My time at HackTheMidlands


Over the weekend I completed my first Hackathon in Birmingham.

Our Project#

The basis of our project is that it is a multi-tool for university students to help manage their student house. There is a focus on sustainable living to help students save money during today’s significant challenges.

It was built entirely in Java Processing. Although this was not our original tool of choice, we managed to make it work after a few too many hours. It was nice to refresh my memory of Java, and using Processing added some additional challenges and learning oppotunities which were enjoyable to overcome in our collectively sleep-deprived state.

Our project can be viewed on DevPost, alternatively it can be viewed on GitHub.


Overall it was an excellent experience and I’d highly recommend it. Even if you don’t bother creating a project, it is still a great way to meet new people and get lots of free food and other merchandise.

I learnt a fair amount, although I would have liked to have use some of the sponsored tools to develop my knowledge of working with various frameworks and APIs. Maybe next year!

My time at HackTheMidlands